Tuesday, March 15, 2011

photoshop reflection

For this assignment, we had to make our image using photoshop. For my picture, I blended two pictures together, and then used the gradient tool to color it. For this image, I used a picture I had previously taken at a concert, and a picture I found on google. I wanted to represent the music of the concert in the picture. TO get the two pictures to blend together, I first made them the exact same size. Then I decided I wanted the concert photo to be the background, so I made a duplicate layer of that. Once that was done, I clicked "apply image", and I made sure that the image of the sheet music was also on the background picture. I did this in the apply image setting, and in the drag down box I clicked the name of the sheet music photo. After this was clicked, I had a choice of different ways this image could be blended. I ended up picking the "soft layer" technique. This gave a nice transparent look to the sheet music, while still being able to see the concert image. After this was done, I then went to the gradient settings. Instead of selecting a gradient tool, I went to "adjustments" and "select gradient". This gave me a whole list of different gradients that would fill the entire photo. I tried them all out through the preview setting, and eventually chose this red and yellow setting. I thought it worked really nicely with the photo, enabling the viewer to still see the concert, while the music notes still being prominent as well. I really like working in photoshop. I think that it is a really cool way to change the way pictures look, either by making them better, or just by making them look completely different in general. 

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